Dropshee QAC Portal

The Dropshee dApp Quality Custodian Portal is a dedicated interface within the Dropshee Ecosystem, specifically designed for Quality Assurance Custodians (QACs) to perform their crucial roles in maintaining the high standards of product listings and overall marketplace integrity. This portal is a central hub where QACs manage Quality Assurance Flags (QAFs), initiate Quality Assurance Measures (QAMs), and contribute to the ecosystem’s continuous improvement.

Key Features of the Quality Custodian Portal

  1. QAF Management: The portal provides QACs with a comprehensive dashboard displaying all raised QAFs across the ecosystem. QACs can review these flags, prioritize them based on severity, and assign them for further investigation and resolution.

  2. Initiating QAMs: Once a QAF has been evaluated and the need for corrective action is determined, QACs can use the portal to initiate QAMs. This process involves specifying the nature of the required actions, setting deadlines, and assigning responsibilities, either to themselves or back to the Product Stock Provider (PSP).

  3. Collaboration and Communication: The portal includes tools for communication and collaboration, allowing QACs to discuss QAFs, share insights, and collectively decide on the best course of action. This fosters a community-driven approach to quality assurance.

  4. Tracking and Reporting: QACs can track the progress of QAM implementations and monitor compliance with the set deadlines. The portal offers reporting tools to analyze trends in QAFs, identify common issues, and suggest systemic improvements to the ecosystem.

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